Davy Crockett Hat

Davy Crockett Hat
Davy Crockett, Davy Crockett
The man who knows no fear
Davy Crockett, Davy Crockett
King of the wild frontier.
   Many distinguished fighters and frontiersmen were killed in the famous battle of the Alamo. Among them was David Crockett, popularly known as Davy Crockett. Crockett (1786-1836) was one of the great scouts during the pioneer days of America. He was also a soldier and a United States congressman.
   Crockett was born in Limestone, Greene County, Tennessee. He ran away from home on his fourth day at school and didn't return until he was twelve, whereupon his father hired him out to a passing cattle driver. Although Crockett did not learn to read until he was eighteen, he became wise in the ways of wild frontier life. During the Creek War, he became a colonel in the Tennessee militia under Andrew Jackson. He then went into politics, and, accepting a humorous suggestion, ran for Congress—and was elected. He served for two terms, and his natural wit and homespun stories made him a noted character. His motto was "Be sure you're right, and then go ahead."
   After his defeat for re-election to Congress—he had opposed President Jackson's banking and Indian policies—he moved to Texas and joined the war for independence from Mexico. Crockett was warmly welcomed, what with his frontier and political background and his fame as an expert marksman. He was killed on March 6, 1836, at the Alamo, as were James Bowie and other defenders.
   Crockett was known for his frontier hat, which he wore constantly, a fur hat with a distinctive tailpiece. Crockett's visual attire made him known in Washington, D.C. as the "coonskin congressman." He is believed to be the author of the witty but unsophisticated books A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett, A Tour of the North and Down East, and Exploits and Adventures in Texas. He may have dictated these books, but they were written with his robust style and homespun humor.

Dictionary of eponyms. . 2013.

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