
   Paper is often called "the handmaiden of civilization." It is important as a keeper of records because it is the material on which manuscripts, books, magazines, and newspapers are written or printed. The tools of the financial system—money, checks, drafts, notes, stocks—are also made of paper.
   Much of the paper used today is made by a fourdrinier machine, a name derived from its inventors. The machine, whose length can reach three hundred feet, forms a wet mass of fibers into a sheet. The first part, called the wet end, is made of a wire-cloth belt on which the fibers are allowed to mat into the form of a sheet. The sheet is then dried as it passes over suction boxes, and is then squeezed between heavy press rolls and passed over steam-heated drier cylinders. The paper passes through calendar (a variant form of "cylinder") presses where a smooth surface is put on the sheet. Finally, it is wound into large paper rolls, a continuous sheet of any desired size.
   Henry Fourdrinier, with the help of his brother, Sealy, invented the machine and had it patented in 1807. They spent thirty years perfecting it. After all that time, they received a partial grant from the British Parliament that enabled them to recoup their expenses. The Fourdrinier—in principle—has been in operation ever since it was patented. The automatic machine is still used although the Fourdrinier brothers might be hard put to recognize its modern version.

Dictionary of eponyms. . 2013.

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  • Fourdrinier — [foor drin′ē ər] adj. [after Sealy and Henry Fourdrinier, 19th c. Eng papermakers, for whom the machine was developed] designating or of a papermaking machine that produces paper in a continuous strip or roll n. such a machine …   English World dictionary

  • Fourdrinier — Four dri nier , n. A machine used in making paper; so named from an early inventor of improvements in this class of machinery. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fourdrinier — fu̇rˈdrinēər, ēˌā noun or fourdrinier machine ( s) Usage: often capitalized F Etymology: after Henry Fourdrinier died 1854 and Sealy Fourdrinier died 1847 English papermakers and inventors : a paper machine in which the web of paper is formed on… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fourdrinier — noun Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Henry & Sealy Fourdrinier Date: 1839 a machine for making paper in an endless web …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Fourdrinier — /foor drin ee euhr/, n. a machine for manufacturing paper. [1830 40; named after Henry and Sealy Fourdrinier, 19th century English papermakers] * * * …   Universalium

  • fourdrinier — Un Fourdrinier, C est une espine noire qui porte les fourdrines ou prunelles …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Fourdrinier machine — The Fourdrinier Machine is the basis for most modern papermaking, and it has been used in some variation since its conception. The Fourdrinier accomplishes all the steps needed to transform a source of wood pulp into a final paper… …   Wikipedia

  • Fourdrinier machine — Machine for producing paper, paperboard, and other fibreboards, consisting of a moving endless belt of wire or plastic screen that receives a mixture of pulp and water and allows excess water to drain off, forming a continuous sheet for further… …   Universalium

  • Fourdrinier, máquina de — Máquina para producir papel, cartón y otros cartones de fibra, compuesta de una correa sinfín de malla de alambre o plástica que recibe una mezcla de pulpa y agua, y permite que el agua sobrante escurra, para formar una hoja continua que es… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • fourdrinier wire — noun Usage: often capitalized F : a continuous screen of fine wire cloth used for draining pulp in a fourdrinier machine …   Useful english dictionary

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