
   A man called husky is being compared to a dog, and a sled dog at that. But because this dog, stocky and muscular, symbolizes great strength, an informal sense has evolved for husky, meaning big and burly. Harriet Beecher Stowe used that designation for a stocky and muscular man in a story published in 1869. Describing a man as husky is not meant to be disparaging.
   But to return to the sled dog: It is a breed developed in Siberia. Experts believe that the name derives from that of the Eskimo group Chukchi. This dog is so strong that it is capable of pulling a load for sixty miles in one day. Although not related to the wolf family, the Husky howls like a wolf, eats raw fish, and sleeps on snow. North Canadian Indians called this dog uskimi, which meant Eskimo, The explorers thought they were hearing "huskemaus," but they called the dogs Eski, a shortening of Eskimo. Eventually they corrupted the contraction Eski by fronting it with an h, and from it Husky emerged—and stayed. A husky throat is a dry one, characterized by a voice that has lost its timbre. Unrelated is the activity of husking corn.

Dictionary of eponyms. . 2013.

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  • husky — husky …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Husky — sibérien Husky sibérien …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Husky — is a general term for several breeds of dogs used as sled dogs. Because of their strength and stamina, the name Husky is popular for products and for sports mascots. Huskies were originally used as sled dogs in northern regions but are now also… …   Wikipedia

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  • *husky — ● husky, huskies ou huskys nom masculin (anglais husky, enroué) Race canadienne de chiens pour la traction des traîneaux. ● husky, huskies ou huskys (expressions) nom masculin (anglais husky, enroué) Siberian husky, au Canada, chien de traîneau d …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • husky — husky1 [hus′kē] n. pl. huskies [shortened < a 19th c. var. of ESKIMO] [also H ] a dog of any of several breeds for pulling sleds in the Arctic; esp., the SIBERIAN HUSKY husky2 [hus′kē] adj. huskier, huskiest 1 …   English World dictionary

  • Husky — Hus ky, a. [Prob. for husty; cf. OE. host cough, AS. hw[=o]sta; akin to D. hoest, G. husten, OHG. huosto, Icel. h[=o]sti. See {Wheeze}.] Rough in tone; harsh; hoarse; raucous; as, a husky voice. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Husky — Hus ky, a. Powerful; strong; burly. [Colloq., U. S.] A good, husky man to pitch in the barnyard. Hamlin Garland. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • husky — [adj1] deep, scratchy in sound croaking, croaky, growling, gruff, guttural, harsh, hoarse, loud, rasping, raucous, rough, throaty; concept 594 Ant. low, quiet, soft husky [adj2] big, burly brawny, gigantic, hefty, Herculean*, mighty, muscular,… …   New thesaurus

  • husky — Ⅰ. husky [1] ► ADJECTIVE (huskier, huskiest) 1) sounding low pitched and slightly hoarse. 2) strong; hefty. DERIVATIVES huskily adverb huskiness noun. Ⅱ …   English terms dictionary

  • Husky — Husk y, a. [From {Husk}, n.] Abounding with husks; consisting of husks. Dryden. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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