
   , JEANS
   Levi Strauss (1829-1902) emigrated from Bavaria and became a dry goods salesman in New York City. During the California Gold Rush, Levi, then twenty-four, headed West with a load of canvas that he intended to make into tents for the prospectors. But in San Francisco, where he landed from his clipper ship, he learned that the greatest need of the men was for pants. And so he used his canvas to make pants. When his canvas ran out, he switched to denim, adding blue coloring. He then founded the Levi Strauss Company to manufacture these sturdy, close-fitting pants. Called Levi's by the miners, they were an immediate success because the strain points were reinforced with copper rivets, making them especially useful to miners and others who filled their pockets with ore samples.
   The generic term for these denim pants, blue jeans, actually came after the specific brand. Though the pants themselves have a distinctly American origin, the word jeans derives from Italy. The manufacture of denims (denim comes from the phrase serge de Nimes, after the city of Nimes) into garments, primarily pants, took place in Italian Genoa, which in Middle English was jine or Gene from the French Genes. Hence the ubiquitous uniform of today is called in English jeans or blue jeans. Levis has also become a synonym for jeans or denims.
   The Levi Strauss clothing company today is one of the world's largest clothing company dealers, with sales exceeding $2 billion annually.

Dictionary of eponyms. . 2013.

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  • Levi's — Levi’s ist eine Jeansmarke der von Levi Strauss gegründeten Levi Strauss Company. Das Modelabel von Levi’s Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Jeansmodelle 1.1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • LEVI — (Heb. לֵוִי), third son of Jacob and Leah, born in Paddan Aram (Gen. 29:34); father of the tribe named after him. The name Levi is explained in the Pentateuch by Leah s words at his birth: Now this time my husband will become attached to me (Heb …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Levi II — Levi was a Jewish Palestinian scholar of the 3rd century (third amoraic generation), contemporary of Ze era I and Abba b. Kahana (Yer. Ma as. iii. 51a). In a few instances he is quoted as Levi b. Laḥma (Ḥama; comp. Yer. R. H. iv. 59a with R. H.… …   Wikipedia

  • LÉVI (É.) — LÉVI ALPHONSE LOUIS CONSTANT dit ÉLIPHAS (1810 1875) Fils d’un cordonnier parisien, Alphonse Louis Constant entra au séminaire de Saint Sulpice à Paris, qu’il quitta en 1836 après avoir été ordonné diacre. Les idées utopistes et humanitaires du… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Levi —  Pour les articles homophones, voir Lévi, Lévis, Lévy et Levy. Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Levi est le nom de plusieurs personnes : Carlo Levi, écrivain italien …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Levi's — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lévis (homonymie). Levi s est une marque de jeans et de vêtements conçus et commercialisés par Levi Strauss Co, inventée en 1853. Selon Pierre S., le constructeur du jean est en fait un allemand. Voir aussi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • LEVI (P.) — LEVI PRIMO (1919 1987) Voix singulière dans la littérature italienne que celle de Primo Levi, né à Turin en 1919, où il soutiendra brillamment en 1941 sa thèse en chimie. Cette voix se fait entendre pour la première fois en 1947, quand un petit… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • LEVI — (Bet ha Levi), prominent, wealthy, and ramified Sephardi family of scholars and rabbis, many of whom served as congregation leaders during the 15th–17th centuries. The family originated from Évora in Portugal, but all that is known of its… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Levi — steht für: Levi (Patriarch), einen biblischen Patriarchen einen der zwölf Stämme Israels, siehe Leviten einen der Apostel Jesu, siehe Matthäus (Evangelist) R. Benjamin ben Levi, einen Amoräer der 3. Generation, siehe Amora (Judentum) Namen Levi… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Levi's™ — 7 [ˈliːvaɪz] [ˈliːvaɪz] noun plural a US make of jeans (= trousers/pants made of ↑denim )   Word Origin: [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • LEVI — (fl. third quarter of the third century), Palestinian amora. Generally Levi is mentioned without his patronymic but he may be identical to Levi b. Laḥma (Ḥama) mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud (RH 29b). (However, as the name Levi b. Lahma never …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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