
   Word historians agree on the place where the term mayonnaise developed but not how it developed at that place. Mayonnaise originally was a French dressing, but it has been completely Americanized. It consists of beaten egg yolk, butter or olive oil, lemon juice or vinegar, and seasonings. Port Mahon in Minorca, at one time Portus Magonis, was named after Mago, the younger brother of the Carthaginian general Hannibal, who had planned to devastate Rome in the second Punic War. It became the capital of the Spanish island of Minorca. There's no argument that Port Mahon gave its name to mayonnaise.
   Some say, however, that this sauce was created in 1762 by the chefs of Richelieu to memorialize the victory of the French over the the British. But others say that Due de Richelieu himself prepared this dressing. Richelieu was known as a glutton. The dressing came about, it is said, when Richelieu raided the nearest kitchen and tossed what edibles he could find into one pot. And presto—mayonnaise. A more credible story is that chefs created a dressing in Paris in honor of Richelieu's victory at Port Mahon. They named it Mahonnaise.

Dictionary of eponyms. . 2013.

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  • Mayonnaise — Mayonnaise …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • mayonnaise — [ majɔnɛz ] adj. et n. f. • 1806; altér. de mahonnaise, p. ê. en souvenir de la prise de Port Mahon en 1756 ♦ Sauce mayonnaise : sauce froide composée d huile, de jaunes d œufs et d assaisonnements variés battus jusqu à prendre de la consistance …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Mayonnaise — Sf std. (19. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. mayonnaise, das meist auf frz. mahonnaise, dem französischen Adjektiv zu Puerto Mahon, dem Namen einer Stadt auf Menorca, zurückgeführt wird. Die Erklärung ist nicht sehr wahrscheinlich. Vielleicht… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • mayonnaise — (n.) sauce made from egg yolks, oil, and vinegar, 1815, from Fr. sauce mayonnaise (1806), said by French sources to be corrupted from mahonnaise and to have been named in recognition of Mahon, seaport capital of island of Minorca, captured by… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Mayonnaise — Mayonnaise: Die Bezeichnung für eine pikante, aus Eigelb, Öl, Salz und Essig hergestellte Tunke wurde im 19. Jh. aus gleichbed. frz. mayonnaise, älter mahonaise entlehnt. Die weitere Herkunft des frz. Wortes ist unklar. Vielleicht gehört es zu… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • mayonnaise — ma yon naise , n. [F.] A thick white sauce compounded of raw yolks of eggs beaten up with olive oil to the consistency near to that of a gel, and seasoned with vinegar, pepper, salt, etc.; used in dressing salads, fish, etc. Also, a dish dressed… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mayonnaise — (franz., spr. majonnǟse, besser Mah onn aise), eine 1756 erfundene und zu Ehren der in diesem Jahr erfolgten Eroberung der Feste Mahon auf Menorca durch die Franzosen benannte kalte, dickflüssige Sauce, bereitet aus Eigelb, Salz, seinem Olivenöl… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Mayonnaise — (frz., spr. majonnähs ), Sauce aus Eidottern, Öl, Essig, Senf u.a., zu kaltem Geflügel, Fisch etc …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • mayonnaise — ► NOUN ▪ a thick creamy dressing made from egg yolks, oil, and vinegar. ORIGIN French, meaning from Port Mahon (the capital of Minorca) …   English terms dictionary

  • mayonnaise — [mā΄ə nāz′, mā′ə nāz΄] n. [Fr, earlier mahonnaise, apparently fem. of mahonais, of Mahón, Minorca: reason for name unknown] 1. a creamy salad dressing or sauce made by beating together egg yolks, olive oil or other vegetable oil, lemon juice or… …   English World dictionary

  • Mayonnaise — For other uses, see Mayonnaise (disambiguation). Standard ingredients and tools to make mayonnaise. Mayonnaise, pronounced: [majɔnɛːz], often abbreviated as mayo,[1] is a sauce …   Wikipedia

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