
   According to the Greek classics, Nemesis, the daughter of Nox, was the goddess of retributive justice and vengeance. Her divinely appointed task was to maintain the equilibrium between good and evil in the universe. Armed with a sword and scourge, she would ceaselessly seek transgressors of the law and those guilty of impiety and pursue them in her chariot, ready to flay the offenders and to mete out further divine punishment. Although Nemesis was equally responsible for rewarding the just for their good deeds, good seemed to be in shorter supply than bad, and so Nemesis is usually identified with vengeance. Nemesis has been blamed for the Trojan War. According to some accounts of the legend of Leda and the swan, Zeus (in the form of a swan) raped Nemesis, who gave the impregnated egg to Leda. From the egg was born Helen, whose elopement with Paris, the Trojan prince, ignited the destruction of Troy.
   Nowadays, however, a nemesis is thought of as a person who is a source of woe or misfortune.

Dictionary of eponyms. . 2013.

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