
   Michel de Notredame (1503-1566) assumed the Latinized form of his name Nostradamus. He was a French doctor and astrologer who published an annual "Almanack" as well as a famous book of prophecies in verse, Les Centuries (1555), couched in ambiguous language and open to many interpretations. But some people believed that the prophecies foretold events that eventually occurred.
   Nostradamus was born in Provence, France. He practiced as a physician and was known for his medical work during the plague in Lyons. Catherine de Medici invited him to visit her, and Charles IX appointed him his physician-in-ordinary. A prophecy of Nostradamus that had a decided effect on the populace and increased his popularity was the death of Henri II as a result of a wound received at a tournament, just as Nostradamus prophesized.
   Although Nostradamus's name is synonymous with soothsayer, it is now used in a contemptuous sense. The saying "as good a prophet as Nostradamus" refers to one who makes a prophecy that is so obscure that the meaning can't be understood Vague prophecies are referred to as nostradamic predictions.

Dictionary of eponyms. . 2013.

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