Pitman, Gregg

Pitman, Gregg
   Shorthand is an old system for quickly recording speeches. Marcus Tullius Tiro invented what has come to be known as the Tironian system. Tiro was a freedman and amanuensis of Cicero. The ampersand (&), a contraction of the Latin and, is still sometimes called the Tironian sign. In 1837, Isaac Pitman (1813-1897), after studying Samuel Taylor's scheme for shorthand writing, introduced his shorthand system through his publication Stenographic Soundhand, which explained a system phonetically based on dots, dashes, strokes, and curves to signify various sounds. The system was not easy to master because it depended on the slope and position of strokes and on shadings, a light shade giving one phonetic sound and a dark one another. But the Pitman system was universally accepted, and the name Pitman became synonymous with "shorthand." Isaac's brother, Benn (1822-1910), immigrated to the United States and devoted his time to popularizing the Pitman system.
   Sir Isaac Pitman (1813-1898) was born in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England, the son of an English textile manufacturer. He was employed as a Sunday School superintendent, but devoted much of his life to the study and promulgation of phonetics. His love for phonetics never left him. The epitaph he wrote for his wife's grave read: "In memori ov MERI PITMAN, Weif ov Mr. Eizak Pitman, Fonetik Printer, ov this site. Deid 19 Agust 1857 edjed 64 Treper tu mit thei God' Amos 4, 12." Although there are a number of shorthand systems in the United States, the most popular one today, and the chief replacement of the Pitman system, is the Gregg system. Simpler than the Pitman system, it is based on naturally curved strokes of ordinary written script and does not require the shadings of the older system.
   John Robert Gregg (1864-1948) was born in Ireland, but his book The Phonetic Handwriting was published in England. Gregg migrated to the United States and introduced his simpler system of writing in shorthand. The Gregg system quickly took over as the most popular in America. That's the long and the short of it.

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  • Gregg shorthand — is a form of shorthand that was invented by John Robert Gregg in 1888. Like cursive longhand, it is completely based on elliptical figures and lines that bisect them. Gregg shorthand is the most popular form of pen stenography in the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Pitman shorthand — Infobox Writing system name = Pitman shorthand type = Borderline abugida abjad typedesc = shorthand creator=Isaac Pitman time = 1837–present languages = English children = Pitman s New Era Pitman s 2000 sample = Pitman.pngPitman shorthand is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Gregg shorthand —       system of rapid writing based on the sounds of words that uses the curvilinear motion of ordinary longhand. Devised by the Irishman John Robert Gregg (Gregg, John Robert) (1867–1948), who originally called it light line phonography and… …   Universalium

  • Taquigrafía Gregg — La taquigrafía Gregg es un sistema popular de taquigrafía inventado por John Robert Gregg en 1888. Se basa en figuras elípticas y líneas que las bisecan, como la escritura cursiva. La taquigrafía Gregg es el sistema más popular de escritura… …   Wikipedia Español

  • John Robert Gregg — (* 17. Juni 1867 in Rockorry, Grafschaft Monaghan, Irland; † 23. Februar 1948 in Cannondale, Connecticut, USA) war ein US amerikanischer Stenograf und Stenografie Erfinder irischer Herkunft. Leben Greggs Kurzschrift Alphabet. Die meisten Buchs …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • shorthand — /shawrt hand /, n. 1. a method of rapid handwriting using simple strokes, abbreviations, or symbols that designate letters, words, or phrases (distinguished from longhand). 2. a simplified or makeshift manner or system of communication: We spoke… …   Universalium

  • shorthand — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. stenography, phonography, stenotypy, stenology; Pitman, Gregg, Speedwriting. See writing. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. stenography, stenotype, speedwriting, phonography. Varieties of shorthand include:… …   English dictionary for students

  • Taquigrafía — La taquigrafía es todo aquel sistema de escritura rápido y conciso que permite transcribir un discurso a la misma velocidad a la que se habla. Para ello se suelen emplear trazos breves, abreviaturas y caracteres especiales para representar letras …   Wikipedia Español

  • Shorthand — is an abbreviated and/or symbolic writing method that increases speed or brevity of writing as compared to a normal method of writing a language. The process of writing in shorthand is called stenography, from the Greek stenos (narrow) and graphē …   Wikipedia

  • Thomas Natural Shorthand — is an English shorthand system created by Charles A. Thomas which was first published in 1935. Thomas described his system as designed to meet the existing need for a simple, legible shorthand that is based on already familiar writing lines, and… …   Wikipedia

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