
   Of the many notorious traitors, Vidkun Quisling is the one whose name has entered the English vocabulary as a common word, and has continued its shameful denotation. Someone who is a traitorous puppet of the enemy, or more precisely, someone who aids and collaborates with the enemy, a renegade, is a quisling.
   Quisling, born in 1887 in Fryesdal, Norway, became an army officer, then worked in the diplomatic service. In 1933, he formed his own Norwegian fascist party, Norway's National Unification Party, but he did not attract many followers. On April 8-9, 1940, Hitler invaded Norway, and Quisling proclaimed himself Norway's premier.
   While serving as the figurehead in this puppet government set up by the Nazis, Quisling committed unspeakable atrocities. He lived in the lap of luxury on an island near Oslo, in a mansion that contained the finest Norwegian art he could steal from the museums. But Quisling was never at ease. He was so nervous for his safety that he had 150 bodyguards and an official taster of all his foods.
   Finally the day of reckoning came. The war ended, and Quisling was arrested immediately, on May 9, 1945. He was charged with treason and murder, found guilty, and shot by a firing squad on October 24 of that year.
   Norway's laws forbade capital punishment, but the law was changed just to execute Quisling.

Dictionary of eponyms. . 2013.

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  • Quisling — in Oslo (1942) Quisling, ein Autogramm gebend (1943) Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling (* 18. Juli 1887 in Fyresdal; † …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • quisling — / kwisling/ s.m. [dal cognome dell uomo politico norvegese Vidkun Quisling, che diresse un governo fantoccio collaborazionista con i nazisti]. (polit.) [uomo politico che collabora con il nemico invasore] ▶◀ collaborazionista …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • quisling — (n.) 1940, from Vidkun Quisling (1887 1945), Norwegian fascist politician who headed the puppet government during the Ger. occupation of Norway in World War II; shot for treason after Ger. defeat. First used in London Times of April 15, 1940, in… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • quisling — ► NOUN ▪ a traitor collaborating with an occupying enemy force. ORIGIN from the Norwegian army officer Major Vidkun Quisling (1887 1945), who ruled Norway on behalf of the German occupying forces …   English terms dictionary

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