Timothy Grass

Timothy Grass
   The spiked-head grass dried for fodder that is most widely cultivated in North America was, at one time, called meadow cat's-tail grass. Grown in Europe with the technical name Phleum pratense, the species was brought to America by New England settlers.
   A farmer named John Herd reportedly discovered this grass growing wild on his New Hampshire farm in 1700. He might have called the grass by his name, but when another farmer, Timothy Hanson, moved from New York to a Southern state, he took bags of grass seed with him and introduced the grass under his first name. And Timothy has ever since been its name.
   The Southerners were impressed by Timothy grass and bought the seeds, making the grass widespread throughout the South. Settlers leaving for Western land bought the seed, too, giving the grass a national presence.

Dictionary of eponyms. . 2013.

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  • Timothy-grass — Habitus, ssp. pratense Scientific classification Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • Timothy grass — Timothy Tim o*thy, n., or Timothy grass Tim o*thy grass [From Timothy Hanson, who carried the seed from New England to Maryland about 1720.] (Bot.) A kind of grass ({Phleum pratense}) with long cylindrical spikes; called also {herd s grass}, in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • timothy-grass — n. Cat s tail, cat s tail grass, meadow cat s tail grass, herdsgrass (Phleum pretense) …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • timothy grass — noun see timothy …   Useful english dictionary

  • Timothy — Tim o*thy, n., or Timothy grass Tim o*thy grass [From Timothy Hanson, who carried the seed from New England to Maryland about 1720.] (Bot.) A kind of grass ({Phleum pratense}) with long cylindrical spikes; called also {herd s grass}, in England,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Timothy (disambiguation) — Timothy was a first century Christian saint.Timothy may also refer to:*Timothy (name), a common male given name *First Epistle to Timothy, a book of the Bible attributed to Saint Paul *Second Epistle to Timothy, a book of the Bible attributed to… …   Wikipedia

  • Timothy — masc. proper name, from Fr. Timothée, from L. Timotheus, from Gk. Timotheos, lit. honoring God, from time honor, respect + theos god. With lower case t , first recorded 1747 as short for timothy grass (1736), American English name for meadow cat… …   Etymology dictionary

  • timothy — /tim euh thee/, n., pl. timothies. a coarse grass, Phleum pratense, having cylindrical spikes, used as fodder. Also, timothy grass. [1730 40; named after Timothy Hanson, American farmer who cultivated it in the early 18th century] * * * I… …   Universalium

  • GRASS — Abbreviation for gradient recalled acquisition in the steady state. * * * gradient recalled acquisition in a steady state * * * grass gras n MARIJUANA * * * (gras) any plant of the family Gramineae; many are commonly used as fodder for cattle and …   Medical dictionary

  • timothy — I. /ˈtɪməθi/ (say timuhthee) noun a coarse grass, Phleum pratense, with cylindrical spikes, valuable as fodder. Also, timothy grass. {named after Timothy Hanson, US farmer who first cultivated it in the early 18th century} II. /ˈtɪməθi/ (say… …  

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