Vernier Scale

Vernier Scale
   In 1631 French mathematician Pierre Vernier (1580-1637) published a mathematical treatise showing that a small, movable auxiliary scale could be attached to a larger, graduated scale to obtain finer adjustments. From that beginning developed the vernier scale, a short, graduated scale, or ruler, that slides along a larger scale. The subdivisions on the short rule are nine tenths as long as the subdivisions on the long scale, and the scale can measure both lengths and angles.
   Engineers often use calipers with a vernier attachment. Some of them read to one thousandth of an inch without a magnifier. The vernier scale which divides each unit of the larger scale into smaller fractions is used with such instruments as the transit, sextant, quadrant, barometer, and compass, as well as the caliper.
   To grasp the fineness of the measurements made possible by the vernier, consider this: The beam of a caliper is divided into inches and tenths, and each tenth into fourths. The vernier is divided into twentyfive parts. Sometimes the beam is divided into fiftieths of an inch, and the vernier has twenty divisions to each nineteen divisions on the beam.

Dictionary of eponyms. . 2013.

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  • Vernier scale — A vernier scale is an additional scale which allows a distance or angle measurement to be read more precisely than directly reading a uniformly divided straight or circular measurement scale. It is a sliding secondary scale that is used to… …   Wikipedia

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  • vernier scale — nonijaus skalė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. vernier scale vok. Noniusskala, f rus. верньерная шкала, f; шкала нониуса, f pranc. cadran vernier, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • vernier scale — noun a small movable scale that slides along a main scale; the small scale is calibrated to indicate fractional divisions of the main scale • Syn: ↑vernier • Hypernyms: ↑scale …   Useful english dictionary

  • vernier scale — short graduated scale that slides along a larger scale and is used to measure tiny distances falling between the divisions of the larger scale (invented by the French mathematician Pierre Vernier) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Vernier — can refer to:*Persons **Pierre Vernier (1580 1637), a French mathematician and instrument inventor.*Places **Vernier, Switzerland, a municipality in the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland.*Things **Vernier scale, the scale used on measuring… …   Wikipedia

  • vernier — [vʉr′nē ər, vʉr′nir] n. [after Pierre Vernier (1580 1637), Fr mathematician who invented it] 1. a short graduated scale that slides along a longer graduated instrument and is used to indicate fractional parts of divisions, as in a micrometer:… …   English World dictionary

  • vernier caliper — a caliper formed of two pieces sliding across one another, one having a graduated scale and the other a vernier. Also called vernier micrometer. [1875 80] * * * ▪ measurement instrument       instrument for making very accurate linear… …   Universalium

  • vernier — /verr nee euhr/, n. 1. Also, vernier scale. a small, movable, graduated scale running parallel to the fixed graduated scale of a sextant, theodolite, barometer, etc., and used for measuring a fractional part of one of the divisions of the fixed… …   Universalium

  • Vernier — Pierre, French mathematician, 1580–1637. See V. acuity. * * * n. a device for obtaining accurate measurements of length, to 1/10th, 1/100th or smaller fractions of a unit. It consists of a fixed graduated main scale against which a shorter… …   Medical dictionary

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