Wassermann Test

Wassermann Test
   August von Wassermann (1866-1925), born in Romberg, Bavaria, received his medical degree and then joined the research community of the Robert Koch Institute of Infectious Diseases in Berlin. In 1913, he joined the staff of Kaiser Wilhelm Institute at Dahlen, near Berlin, as its director. He wrote many scientific papers and conducted research on many diseases. But his outstanding work, together with Albert Neisser and Carl Bruck—certainly the one that made him famous—was a blood test for the diagnosis of syphilis, known professionally as the cardiolipin test. This test is made by examining the blood of the patient. If the patient has syphilis, the sample submitted for the test will prove positive. Even though present-day methods of diagnosing syphilis have supplanted the method introduced by the Wassermann test, the test for syphilis still honors the name of the great physician.

Dictionary of eponyms. . 2013.

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  • Wassermann test — n a test for the detection of syphilitic infection using the Wassermann reaction called also Wassermann * * * the original (1906) nontreponemal antigen test for syphilis; see serologic t. for syphilis …   Medical dictionary

  • Wassermann test — or Wassermann reaction n. [after WASSERMANN August von, who devised it] a complement fixation test for the diagnosis of syphilis by determining the presence of syphilitic antibodies in the blood serum …   English World dictionary

  • Wassermann test — The Wassermann test is a complement fixation (Complement system) antibody test for syphilis, named after the bacteriologist August von Wassermann.MethodA sample of blood or cerebrospinal fluid is taken and introduced to the antigen cardiolipin… …   Wikipedia

  • Wassermann test — noun Date: 1909 a test for the detection of syphilis using the Wassermann reaction called also Wassermann …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Wassermann test — a diagnostic test for syphilis using the fixation of a complement by the serum of a syphilitic individual. Also called Wassermann reaction. [1910 15; named after A. von WASSERMANN] * * * …   Universalium

  • Wassermann test — Was′sermann test n. med a diagnostic test for syphilis using the fixation of a complement by the serum of a syphilitic individual. Also called Was′sermann reac tion • Etymology: 1910–15; after A. von Wassermann …   From formal English to slang

  • Wassermann test —  Blood test for syphilis, named after German bacteriologist August von Wassermann (1866–1925) …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • Wassermann test — n. a test for syphilis using the reaction of the patient s blood serum. Etymology: A. von Wassermann, Ger. pathologist d. 1925 …   Useful english dictionary

  • Wassermann test (reaction) — Was·ser·mann test (reaction) (vahsґer mahn) [August Paul von Wassermann, German bacteriologist, 1866–1925] see under test …   Medical dictionary

  • Wassermann — is a German surname meaning waterman and may refer to:* August von Wassermann, a German bacteriologist * Ehren Wassermann, a Major League Baseball pitcher * Jakob Wassermann, a Jewish German writer and novelist * Zbigniew Wassermann, Polish… …   Wikipedia

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